Sorting  Interpretation Finds 1 Finds 2  Finds 3 Finds 4 Finds 5 x-rays Iron the metal  Methods

All these items come from two small contexts, near the centre of the battlefield.

The field has been used for pasture and agriculture over the years. The items were found by YMDC team, on or near surface.

Two extensive areas of charcoal staining have been found using a soil auger 20m from one of the sites.

The whole collection is still being assembled but is expected to number over 40 items, including slag and pellets of 'cast iron'.


A rather poor photo of a 'v' shaped profile.

Sorting  Interpretation Finds 1 Finds 2 

Finds 5

Many more items with a similar profile have been found. The suggestion is that these are some of the fragments that were due to be reprocessed.

Billets and ferrous fragments.
More billets. The oblong, or square-form billets are most common in the collection.


Possibly metal working tools found with the horde. Xray.

Similar items in Northampton museum


Two pieces that look like slag from the x-ray image.


A collection of fragments found near the axe-shaped billets

Sorting  Interpretation Finds 1 Finds 2  Finds 3 Finds 4 Finds 5 Iron the metal  Methods